SEPTEMBER 9-10 2011 ART HOP 2011

We enjoyed meeting and speaking with hundreds of Art Hoppers who found their way into our brand new Art Gallery and Custom Picture Framing Workshop!

Many thank you’s to Roy Feldman and Christy Mitchell at SEABA for all their work to make Art Hop 2011 a superior event!

Many of you may have missed Dostie Bros. Frame Shop but perhaps you happened upon our off site location at the Box Art Studio!

Inside Dostie Bros. Frame Shop & Art Gallery - Here is our Design Table - Made out of reclaimed lumber by students in the Waste Not Program at ReUse!

Paintings by Benjamin Barnes in our Art Gallery - mounted on reclaimed Barn Board - We know the presentation is wafting in subtlety!

The Box Art Studio - In the Mapleworks Building on the Corner of Marble Ave. And Pine St. in Burlington is home to many of B urlington's finest artists and musicians.

Inside the Box Art Studio - Where the Dostie Bros. do their frame cutting! Dostie himself has managed and painted in this studio for more than 5 years.